Biking with dog forbidden in Austria?

Is biking with your dog on the leash forbidden in austria?

Perhaps some people are right, perhaps there are really very many, too many people who behave thoughtlessly and irresponsibly. Perhaps in our hectic times, negligence without malicious intent happens too often. But in any case, a reminder to pay attention certainly looks different from what is communicated on social media. Even worse, the emotional build-up […]

New TBE risk areas in Germany by ticks also dangerous for dogs?

many ticks like an invasion in nature in maedow and woods are a health risk for dogs as they spread deseases which lead to illness

In Germany, the tick-borne meningitis or encephalitis is currently spreading. Since more TBE cases were reported in 2020 than ever before (since data collection began in 2001), the RKI therefore classified five more regions in Germany as risk areas. But is this also dangerous for our dogs? Well, as far as TBE alone is concerned, […]

Where to mount the traindee® leash when hiking with several dogs

traindee® many dogs on dog leash shock absorber for relaxed walk when dogs are pulling

When you are walking with several dogs that tend pulling on the lead, the best way is to hold or mount the traindee® at your site (or hip belt) and connect the handle of your favorite “normal” leashes to the expander. Especially in autumn there are many odors for the dog to discover and you […]