Wanted: A natural tick remedy for the dog – does andiroba oil help against ticks? What are the natural remedies against ticks? I have done a lot of research, looking for probably the best, natural tick repellent for dogs and humans. Yes, it should also protect me from the sucking beasts, scare them away, drive […]
Can andiroba oil help against cellulite? Probably, in cosmetics the oil from the seeds or nuts of the wild Andiroba tree (Carapa guianensis) has long been a household name for possible prevention of cellulite. But that is by far not all that the bioactive andiroba oil is capable of. Its high density of active ingredients […]
In Germany, the tick-borne meningitis or encephalitis is currently spreading. Since more TBE cases were reported in 2020 than ever before (since data collection began in 2001), the RKI therefore classified five more regions in Germany as risk areas. But is this also dangerous for our dogs? Well, as far as TBE alone is concerned, […]
About Margosa as protection against parasites Natural remedies against ticks for dogs often do not fare very well in test results on their effectiveness. So are there tick remedies that do not harm the dog and still work? So without chemicals and still with effective results? With flea and tick remedies based on Margosa extract, […]
Especially in spring, with the start of the tick season, many dog owners are again faced with the question of how they can best protect their four-legged friends and themselves from the annoying ticks effectively and with minimal side effects. With the many outdoor activities with dog the danger of a tick infestation increases naturally […]