Health Benefits of Pumpkin for Dogs Autumn is pumpkin time! Did you know that pumpkin is not only super healthy for us humans, but also for our dogs? Let’s dive deeper and find out why pumpkin is a real all-rounder in your dog’s diet and how much of it he can enjoy every day. Why Pumpkin is […]
And how and why the traindee® (the 4-way stretchable dog leash against pulling) is so effective and you can have success with it quickly and easily. Your dog pulling on leash? 4-times stretchable dog leash against pullingWatch this video on YouTube A classic topic but sometimes also an extremely important for a lasting […]
Holidays with dogs A holiday offers a wonderful opportunity for you and your dog to experience unforgettable moments together. Are you planning a holiday with your four-legged friend? Our guide will help you to ensure that your dog enjoys a relaxed and safe journey. It’s important to remember that every dog is unique. Whether your […]
Entry regulations for dogs in the EU and Europe When travelling with dogs within Europe, the EU travel regulations according to EU Regulation 576/2013 apply. These regulations apply to dogs, cats and ferrets and primarily serve to protect against the spread of rabies. Every animal travelling within the EU or entering the EU from a third […]
Can andiroba oil help against cellulite? Probably, in cosmetics the oil from the seeds or nuts of the wild Andiroba tree (Carapa guianensis) has long been a household name for possible prevention of cellulite. But that is by far not all that the bioactive andiroba oil is capable of. Its high density of active ingredients […]
When you are walking with several dogs that tend pulling on the lead, the best way is to hold or mount the traindee® at your site (or hip belt) and connect the handle of your favorite “normal” leashes to the expander. Especially in autumn there are many odors for the dog to discover and you […]
No more pulling: the traindee® dog leash in use! Dog owners know how uncomfortable it is to walk with a dog on a lead that pulls. Not only can it cause pain in the arm and shoulder, but it can also be dangerous if the dog breaks free and gets off the lead. Fortunately, there […]