The German Longhaired Pointer Dog Breed

German Longhaired Pointer Dog
The German Longhaired Pointer dog breed

The German Longhaired Pointer presents an excellent option for those seeking a versatile and amiable pointer breed adorned with a slightly fluffier coat than its German relatives.

This sizable breed effortlessly transitions from a serene family dog to a fervent hunting companion. Whether you’re in search of a dog that neatly fits within one of these categories or occupies a space in between, the German Longhaired Pointer may be the perfect choice for you.

Explore further to discover the care and distinctive characteristics of the German Longhaired Pointer.

Characteristics of the German Longhaired Pointer

Picture a German Shorthaired Pointer, but with medium-length hair, and you’ve envisioned the German Longhaired Pointer.

This athletic breed is invariably brown and white, adorned with a soft, double-coated coat. It possesses an inherently social and friendly disposition, making it an ideal choice for families, hunters, and active individuals alike.

History of the German Longhaired Pointer

Hailing from a lineage of French and Spanish spaniels, the German Longhaired Pointer was meticulously bred to become a highly adaptable gun dog and proficient swimmer. Originating in the late 1800s, this medium to large canine excels in diverse hunting activities and concurrently thrives as a beloved family companion.

German Longhaired Pointers excel in swimming, pointing, tracking, retrieving, and playing, making them the perfect all-around canine companion for dynamic families or individuals.

German Longhaired Pointer Care

The German Longhaired Pointer bundles high energy, a double coat, and remarkable intelligence into one remarkable breed. However, this amalgamation necessitates conscientious care.


Given their intelligence and boundless energy, the German Longhaired Pointer demands a considerable amount of exercise. Bred for chasing, running, and swimming, they are not predisposed to lounge idly on the couch. Extended walks, runs, and spacious areas for play are essential, particularly when they are not engaged in hunting activities.


Sporting a medium-length coat featuring a dense undercoat, the German Longhaired Pointer does not mandate extensive grooming unless it traverses thick underbrush during hunts. Nevertheless, regular baths, brushing, ear cleaning, and nail trims are indispensable to maintain their well-being.


The German Longhaired Pointer exhibits remarkable eagerness to please and a keen trainability. Fundamentally, this breed effortlessly grasps basic commands. However, to prevent boredom, it is essential to continually engage their minds once they’ve mastered the fundamental commands. Engaging in activities such as agility, rally, obedience, and other dog sports can serve as stimulating alternatives to hunting training.

Common Health Problems

While no dog breed is entirely devoid of potential health issues, German Longhaired Pointers are free from known congenital or genetic concerns. Nevertheless, as is typical for dogs of this size, they might encounter common health problems such as periodontal disease, ear infections, and issues stemming from parasites.

Diet and Nutrition

Similar to all dogs, German Longhaired Pointers should partake in a nutritionally complete diet meticulously crafted for dogs by expert veterinary nutritionists. The appropriate food amount should be measured based on your dog’s weight, age, activity level, and caloric requirements to ward off obesity and other health-related concerns.

If you find yourself uncertain about dietary choices, do not hesitate to consult your veterinarian for expert recommendations.